Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"How Nice": Reflections on Oregon

Well, we've arrived and just this Sunday I finally saw it rain! That's almost a week without rain. So, for those unfamiliar with Oregon I post these random impressions of things that are "Oh, how nice!" moments that we're having.

How nice... when the gas station attendant rushed around to my window, took my card, and pumped my gas for me.

How nice... when he told me it was only $3.23 per gallon!

How nice... when he thanked me for being patient with him since he was new (and he said ma'am too!)

How nice... to have random people we've met who've found out we've moved from California say, "Welcome to Oregon!"

How nice... to drive a mere ten minutes down the road and be able to stand under the mist of a gorgeous waterfall after a short walk among lush, green undergrowth and towering pine trees.

How nice... to have Eric be able to come home for lunch each day since his works so close to home.

How nice... to have found a good Mexican restaurant so far from the border!

How nice... to be able to still connect with friends and family so far away now via the internet and cell phones.

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